Hablamos Español

Estamos aquí para ayudarlo con todas sus necesidades de ciclismo.





Your Lakefront Shop

We proudly serve all types of cyclists, including new and veteran riders, road and mountain aficionados, and recreation and transportation cyclists. We’re here to help you with all of your cycling needs. Learn more about what makes us unique, and visit us today to meet our friendly staff and experience our incredible product selection. With over 17 years of experience, we’re a family owned business and want to ensure your bicycle experience nothing but the safest and best. Our reasonable prices and high quality customer experience will motivate you on your cycling journey. Please never hesitate to call or email us.

Schedule Your Bike Service

We are a same day service shop. Most tune ups and bike safety checks are completed in under an hour, depending on the condition of the bicycle. Lakeshore Bike has made the customer service experience a high quality experience at a reasonable cost. Simply email us and we’ll schedule a date and drop off your bike for maintenance or repair work. One of our friendly staff and professional mechanics will be ready for you when you arrive.

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Same Day Services

We are same day service stores in which our tune ups take about forty-five minute to an hour depending on the status of the bicycle brought in and how many appointments are scheduled during the day. Most small repairs and services are the same day unless it’s customized. Please do not hesitate to call us or contact us to create transparency and you’ll be on the road in a manner of a few hours.

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Friendly Staff

Si hablamos español. We are a family owned store. Our staff takes the time and patience to answer your questions and concerns about our services, products, and cycling in the city of Chicago. We listen to your needs and work hard to reach your highest standards with our accumulated 17 years of professional experience to help you be safe and ride comfortably.

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Reasonable Prices

Get the best products at the best prices. Our staff’s 17 year accumulated knowledge. We sell products from the best bicycle brands available. We offer great value to our customers through competitive pricing, quality products, and superior customer service.


Itzel Soto

Customer Service and Sales

Short biography here

Maria Antonia

Customer Service and Sales

Short biography here

Martin Marin

Bike Mechanics

Short biography here

Gerardo Garcia

Bike Mechanics

Short biography here
